
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Vanilla Cupcakes! :D

The simplest vanilla cupcakes. mmm.
You can find this recipe at:

  • 2 1/4 cups of all purpose flour
  • 1 1/3 cups sugar
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup shortening
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 large eggs
 Step-by-step process of how I baked my vanilla cupcakes, including directions and photos.

1. Preheat oven - 350 degrees F.

2. Line cupcake pans with paper liners.

 3. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in large mixing bowl.

4. Add shortening, milk and vanilla.
-Seat for one minute on medium speed( I just used a wooden spoon..worked for me)
-Scrape off side of bowl 

 5. Add eggs to mixture
-Beat for one minute
-Scrape bowl again
-Beat on high until well mixed

 6. Spoon batter into paper liners (1/2 - 2/3 full)

7. Bake 20-25 minutes ( or until toothpick comes out clean)
 - my toothpick came out clean after 20 minutes :)

8. Cool 5 minutes in pan. 

 9. Then remove and let cool

10. When cupcakes are completely cooled,

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Ever been out somewhere and glance over only to see people eating each others faces? Kind of gross hey?
Well today I am writing about Public Display of Affection (PDA). Don't get me wrong, i'm not against the occasional peck, a hug, holding hands. I'm talking about the full on butt grabs, butt slaps, make out sessions etc. I know i'm not the only one who feels this way about this topic either. I have talked to a few people who are disturbed by it also. I would have trouble understanding if someone didn't feel very uncomfortable with it.
I have always been quite the hater against PDA, but the thought of writing this piece came to me the other day when I was taking the ETS home. I was just sitting there minding my own business, catching up on some accounting. Then this couple gets on the bus, sitting only a few seats in front of me. Since the topic is about PDA I bet you know where this is going. Like a leech he was just stuck to her kissing her neck and face. It was so disturbing I couldn't help but look. Only a few moments later it was a full on make out session like they hadn't seen each other in years! At that point I probably had that look of disgust all over my face. It makes you feel really awkward..
I swear, I was on that bus for over 20 minutes and their lips didn't leave each others. Breathe!
Man oh man! Chapstick must get real expensive.
I feel like there is a time and a place for you to show your affection to someone, and it shouldn't have to be where there is that many other individuals.
You have to respect other peoples thoughts and beliefs.
So thats my verdict on PDA, it shouldn't exist in strong portions like that.

The Jungle Jims Restaurant Review. :)

Jungle Jims used to be mine and my two closest friends favorite place to sip on a smoothie and gossip! On a thursday evening we thought hey, it's been a while. Lets go visit Jungle Jims. When we approached the hostess we were taken care of right away, and in a very friendly manner. Throwing open the menus like it was christmas, I right away knew I wanted a jungle sized strawberry smoothie. mmm that would hit the spot. :)  The waitress arrived, content with her job, or so it seemed. I of coarse ordered the strawberry smoothie my friend Cortney than ordering the tornado and Jessica the tornado also. 
She let us have more time with our menus, after all they have loads to choose from. 
The service was faster than ever and before we knew it, right before our eyes, huge glasses toppling with smoothie! Cortney took her first sip resulting with an unexpected cringe, jess also cringing. Alcohol? what?  Little did they know "tornados" have alcohol in them. On that note, why on gods earth weren't they I.D'd? hmm..that's a no no. Cortney had work and Jess was driving so those were sent back ASAP, but returning still tasting of alcohol. 
Time to order! one pineapple stir-fry, one kitchen sink and one salad...yeah she's on a diet. 
Those orders arrived to perfection. delicious! 
Yes, i said kitchen sink, its shaped like one and everything. When do you ever get to eat out of a kitchen sink.    
That pretty much concludes our night out. 
Lovely service, amazing food. 
Jungle Jims is a definite recommendation from me, it's extremely casual and it's a fun time.